the extendable dining table #08 – 保爾實木伸縮餐枱
Dining room is not big enough to put in a large table, on the other hand a small table is not good enough to serve when guests are here? Pole Extendable dining table could help to solve.
- made of Oak
- natural colour
- extendable
- 120-160*80*75cm
- trendy design
- pull the legs when extend and put the 40cm long Oak board on
- enlarge the space under the table
- good to serve more people
那說不定我們的Pole Extendable dining table會受到你的青睞呢。
- 全實木製作
- 可選擇白橡木、紅橡木、白蠟木、黑胡桃木、櫻桃木、櫸木、楓木等
- 原木色 或 仿胡桃木色
- 可伸縮 / 開合
- 參考尺寸
- 120-160*80*75cm
- 140-180*80*75cm
- 可按要求製作其他尺寸及形狀
- 設計時尚
- 這一設計立即令桌下空間變大,多放兩張椅子都不覺擠擁。
**相片中參考尺吋: 120-160*80*75cm,白櫸木 **
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