Best Quality - 實木傢俬 - 觀塘傢俬
TEL: 3590 2176
觀塘傢俬 - On Sale 特價商品
觀塘工廠大廈林立,不少的傢俬店仍然選擇在舊式工廠大廈內營業。但舊式工廠的衛生環境普遍欠佳,電梯也較陳舊,有些更是不符合大廈的規劃或消防條例,對消費者做成不少的不便。因而觀塘傢俬店陸續遷到活化成符合商業用途的新式大廈,如觀塘道的Eastcore。Eastcore已有多家傢俬店進駐,我們fes woods living也是其中一份子。每間傢俬店都有其特色及強項,而我們的強項則是在於以不同種類的木材訂造各款實木傢俬。顧客們不用在東奔西跑地在各工業大廈間穿梭,以搜羅觀塘傢俬,到Eastcore即可不費氣力地找尋到各式優質傢俬。
歡迎到我們位於觀塘道398號Eastcore 5樓的陳列室,參觀各款實木傢俬,並與我們洽談訂造的設計細節。
Dining cabinet #01 – 簡式實木餐邊櫃
dressing table #01 – 斯保梳妝枱
extendable dining set #03 – 折翼實木伸縮餐枱組合
Jazz Oak TV Board – 條子實木電視櫃
Loka TV board – 日式簡約實木電視櫃
single seater #87 – 猶長單人扶手椅
the desk #01 – 茜寶書桌
the dining table #03 – 肥皂實木餐枱
the tv board #10 – 南洋風格實木電視櫃
the tv board #101 – 復古玻璃實木電視櫃
客廳傢俬 – 實木傢俬
Loka TV board – 日式簡約實木電視櫃
Jazz Oak TV Board – 條子實木電視櫃
Eka T-GO Chair
- 橡木 / 黑胡桃木 / 白蠟木 / 櫸木
GU retro sofa
the tv board #13 – 方塊實木電視櫃
tv board #12
the tv board #14 – 黑胡桃木實木電視櫃
the tv board #15 – 東古實木電視櫃
the tv board #16 – 交結實木電視櫃
the tv board #17 – 翻門實木電視櫃
the tv board #18
飯廳傢俬 – 觀塘傢俬
the dining table #01 – 大圓角實木餐枱
Eka T-GO Chair
- 橡木 / 黑胡桃木 / 白蠟木 / 櫸木
the extendable dining table #08 – 保爾實木伸縮餐枱
extendable table #05 – 小雀實木伸縮餐枱
胡桃木伸縮餐枱 – the extendable table #5
extendable table #04 – 甘治實木拉伸餐枱
the dining table #19
the dining table #20
the round table #1 – 懸浮圓枱
the dining table #21
睡房傢俬 – 觀塘傢俬
the wardrobe #3 – 橫紋實木衣櫃
the wardrobe #1 – 條子實木衣櫃
the wardrobe #9
the wardrobe #15 – 實木衣櫃
the Wardrobe #16
the wardrobe #8
the wardrobe #5
the wardrobe #17
the wardrobe #7
the wardrobe #6
the wardrobe #14
Dining cabinet #12 (book cabinet #2) – 實木書櫃
Dining cabinet #15 (book cabinet #4)
the book cabinet #1
the double bed #7 – 格林子母睡床
the bunk bed #8 – 守衛簡約上下格床
the wardrobe #30 – 鈕扣實木衣櫃
the kid bed #9 – 餅乾睡床
the childhood bed #12
the bunk bed #24 – 小城堡上下格床
the bunk bed #26 – 遊戲樂園上下格床
the double bed #40
extendable table 實木伸縮餐枱
extendable dining set #03 – 折翼實木伸縮餐枱組合
extendable table #04 – 甘治實木拉伸餐枱
extendable table #05 – 小雀實木伸縮餐枱
the extendable dining table #08 – 保爾實木伸縮餐枱
櫸木伸縮餐枱 – Joy folding extendable table
櫻桃木伸縮餐枱 – Joy sliding extendable table
紅橡木伸縮餐枱 – the extendable table #6
胡桃木伸縮餐枱 – the extendable table #5
design reference / 全屋裝修參考設計
from design to produce, one stop solution
We focus on the solid wood, most of the woods we use are come from American and Euro. Except for the furniture, we also provide interior design service which make a dream land for you.