顯示第 13 至 14 項結果,共 14 項


the dining table #01 – 大圓角實木餐枱

Eka Arc has different size to choose to fit into your home, and you may choose different chair and bench to match up with.

橡木伸縮餐枱 – Jinni extendable table

Elegant and functional, Jinni extendable table helps you to save space and is good to serve your guests. 實木餐枱伸縮自如,朋友來了也可招呼週到! **與餐椅一同訂購伸縮餐枱,可享更大優惠。請以messenger向我們咨詢更多商品優惠** **所有細節,包括尺寸、隔間、木材等均可按要求訂製,歡迎與我們的團隊商量設計細節** **所有貨品均為訂製,不設庫存。下單後4-5個星期送貨**